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Articles and Publications: Inventory
International Articles and Publication
Articles and Publications: Services
Coloring plants–An innovative media to spread the message of conservation
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Liquid Economy (Dying Wetlands of Bihar: How north Bihar strives amid plenty by neglecting its wetlands)
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Wealth from Waste: An effort of a farmer of Punjab who has evolved a system of resourcefully utilising all his farm waste
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To Ensure Food for Tomorrow: Efforts of Rice-Wheat Consortium for Indo-Gangetic Plains for Sustaining the System
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Bitten by the betel, The story of plight of betel growers
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The Revival of Indigo: A Grassroot Effort by an NGO of Bihar
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Unaffordable Food (How India’s public distribution system weeds out nutritious coarse grains like millets and sponsors malnutrition and food insecurity by only promoting rice and wheat the water intensive crops)
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No Takers: Untapped Potential (How Organic Food is not reaching to people due to absence of market and Policy)
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Burden of Beast: Mounting Economic Pressures cast a dark shadow on the future of Camels and their traditional breeders in Rajasthan
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Farming For the Future (The story to check the status of green products for sustainable farming and to find a approach to shift it from lab to land.)
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Toxic tea tangle (Safeguards have been erected to weed out the supplies of tea laden with high pesticide residue levels. But when the governments use these benchmarks to camouflage protectionism, there is trouble brewing)
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Can of Worms: Risks and benefits of Bt Cotton in India
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Healthy Hues: (traditional Dyes are back in business due to its environment friendly nature and its demand is increasing in Europe and other countries which is environmentally more conscious.)
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“Study of Physiological Parameter and Identified Element of organic farm in Basaitha, District-Muzaffarpur, Bihar”
International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
“Effluents Corrode Calciferous Animals in Rivers Water”
Journal of Environmental Pollution and Control
Covid 19 and its Susceptibility to Indians
International Journal of Research in Humanities & Social Science (URHS)
Study of Heavy Metals in Natural Dyes from Lac insect, Kerria lacca
Journal of XI’ An University of Architecture and Technology (JXAT)
Indigo, India and Independence
Indian Journal of History of Science
Biodiversity of Agriculturally important pests in Farms for Promoting organic agriculture in Bihar
The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (SPJNAS)
Biological Activity of Some Alcoholoic extracts of different neem (Azadirachta indica) products against the Red Cotton Bug (Dysdercus Koenigii Fab.)
International Journal of Entomology
National Articles and Publication
Articles and Publications: Services
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